CVS120 - 2CD - Forqueray Intégrale

Forqueray - Intégrale des pièces de viole

Immerse yourself in the impetuous world of the Forquerays, the famous family of 18th-century violinists, with Myriam Rignol's vibrant tribute to them.More details



Myriam Rignol
Pau Marcos Vicens • Gabriel Rignol • Julien Wolfs • Lucile Boulanger • Mathilde Vialle 

"No one has surpassed Marais: only one has equalled him, and that is the famous Forqueray": with these words, in 1752, a contemporary praised one of the last great virtuosos of the viola da gamba. Known for his formidably difficult and technical musical style, Forqueray's world is nonetheless immensely rich: through the works of the father Antoine, his son Jean-Baptiste and his nephew Nicolas-Gilles, an august lineage emerges whose grace and genius never ceased to inspire. At times proud, even bellicose, at other times deeply tender, the viol pieces by this Forqueray family plunge us into a flight of expressions of passions whose vivacity is equalled only by their intensity.

Myriam Rignol, as a distant granddaughter, delivers in this complete work a powerful homage to these 18th-century chamber music icons who, in their image, could never be anything other than virtuoso. 

Recorded from February 11th to 16th 2023 in the Beguinage church in St Trond (Belgium)

Booklet French/English/German - Duration: 156'67

→  Find this double CD in digital format on our Live Opéra Versailles platform and on all streaming platforms!